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Hello! This is Avtall

We are here to help simplify Provider Data Lifecycle Management for Healthcare Payers.


Who Are We?

At Avtall, we are dedicated to optimize provider lifecycle management for Payers.
Our mission is to simplify, unify, and standardize the processes involved in managing providers, ensuring seamless integration with other enterprise applications.With our innovative solution, we aim to streamline the entire provider lifecycle, from initial onboarding to ongoing credentialing and contracting. Our goal is to enable payer organization to optimize operations, improve collaboration by providing a comprehensive platform for provider lifecycle management.
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How It Works?

Find out everything you need to know and more about how wecan help transform healthcare payer organizations with our innovative Provider Data Lifecycle Management Solution. Explore the future of efficient, compliant, and cost-effective operations today.

Product Configuration

We will help you setup our product to your specific needs with intuitive configuration options

Product Customization

Achieve a unique solution that fits your business perfectly through extensive customization of product core and/or peripheral services.

Product Implementation

Implementation service to integrate our product into your organization with our hassle-free implementation process.